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News > General > High School Counselor, Alan Graveson meets with alumna, Sue Jackson

High School Counselor, Alan Graveson meets with alumna, Sue Jackson

20 May 2024

On a recent university tour of North Carolina, Alan Graveson, High School Guidance Counselor, was happy to meet with Sue Jackson. Sue, Class of 1983, spent four formative years at AES in Grades 6–9, 1976–1980. She and her sister, Lisa Jackson, Class of 1980, to this day carry fond memories of their time in India and still keep in touch with friends they made while at AES. In addition to being AES alums, Sue and Lisa are also alumnae of William and Mary College.On a recent university tour of North Carolina, Alan Graveson, High School Guidance Counselor, was happy to meet with Sue Jackson. Sue, Class of 1983, spent four formative years at AES in Grades 6–9, 1976–1980. She and her sister, Lisa Jackson, Class of 1980, to this day carry fond memories of their time in India and still keep in touch with friends they made while at AES. In addition to being AES alums, Sue and Lisa are also alumnae of William and Mary College.

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